Greenhouse gases found on Mars

Mars from HubbleThe American Thinker yesterday posted a very interesting article, Martian Methane Suggest Solar Induced Global Warming.

Here are some snippets, but go to the article link above to read the whole thing.

A group associated with NASA`s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, using NASA`s Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii discovered plumes of methane in the Martian atmosphere over several seasons of observations. Methane is a gas normally produced by biological or volcanic processes-something not believed possible on Mars, which is considered both biologically and geologically dead.

And …

Mars has been warming for some time, and, just as we are told by the global warming alarmists that a warming Earth will result in the release of methane trapped in polar permafrost, so too it seems likely that methane produced via geological activity in the past could be released into the Martian atmosphere.

And ….

If Martian global warming and the release of methane is driven by solar activity rather than human industrial emissions, doesn`t this argue for similar effects on the Earth, which is much closer to the sun than Mars, after all?  Do we take make the enormous investments to reduce our industrial emissions if the cause of the Earth`s warming is outside of our control? But then, we wouldn`t need a worldwide socialist system, now would we!

The evidence for solar induced climate change (both warmer and cooler) is mounting up.